Happy Wednesday!
One project that I have briefly mentioned in my own Instagram (@maestraehlert) is my Instagram Food project! This is my first year doing it, and it has been a hit with my students! I have had a few people asking for more details, so here we go! :)
I personally do this project with my 6th grade students, but depending on your curriculum in your own school, that can be easily adapted or changed.
My first step is having my students learn a selection of food vocabulary. Here is the list of foods and phrases that I have my students learn. I don't take too much class time working on the vocabulary, it is amazing how most of the words come very naturally to the kiddos. Once I feel the students have a good grasp on the vocabulary, I introduce the Instagram food project. You can can download the project here along with a student rubric!
So, what are my requirements for the project?
1. Students need to have 12 photos on their Instagram page. Each photo needs a caption in Spanish.
2. All words on their Instagram page need to be from their list of foods and phrases (linked above) or need to be words we have learned in class. I personally don't allow my students to use google translate. When I assess my students both formally and informally, I want to make sure that I am truly assessing THEIR knowledge, not what they are able to look up.
3. They need to include the words el desayuno, el almuerzo, y la cena somehow on their page.
4. They need to include the phrases "es muy rico", "que delicioso", y "quisiera" somehow on their page.
5. They need to include at least one drink item on their page.
6. All words on their instagram page need to be in Spanish except for their Instagram handle name.
I am a huge believer of the I Can, We Can, You Can method! As a class we first go through my example. We talk through each of the pictures and captions in Spanish. This is a great discussion to try to keep in the target language! :) Before I set them off on their own, we pretend as if I am going to add a few more pictures onto my page and discuss what the Spanish captions would be. Last but not least, I give them their editable template. I love seeing their personalities come through while they are working!
In order for all of the students to show off their hard work, on the day of the due date, we do a gallery walk.
If you integrate this project into your classroom, PLEASE let me know how it goes. :)